
Discussion in 'Zafira' started by David, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. David

    David Guest

    Hi all
    I have a new zafira (4 months old now) and on the rare occasions I've had
    the need to use the air con, it has worked well, but after switching off
    (whilst still driving) the air vents emit a sort of stale smell for a while.
    It seems to last proportionately to the amount of time its been on for.Is
    this usual or a fault.Is it a case of it being new and needs to bed in etc..
    The smell clears after a few minutes.

    cheers Dave
    David, Jul 16, 2004
  2. David

    mike Guest

    can't see why it should have bacteria in the system being a new model ,but ,
    there is nothing to say it can't happen.
    personnaly i would take it back.
    but they will probably just do the same as i would if it were mine & try one
    of the 'aircon bomb cans' you can buy for about £12 in Halfords.
    it neutralizes the system & removes bacteria

    there could be a fault in the dryer etc though.

    a basic check, if you have a thermometer, is to close all the doors &
    windows, switch on the aircon, put the fan on full with the control set to
    recirculate on internal air only. put the thermometer in the main outlet of
    the central console & run for about 5-10 mins.

    the temp should be 4-8deg C.

    mike, Jul 17, 2004
  3. David

    David Guest

    Thanks for your comments Mike,
    It just seems strange that the smell only starts after the air con has been
    switched off. Is oil used in the system to lubricate anything. (just a

    David, Jul 17, 2004
  4. David

    mike Guest



    mike, Jul 17, 2004
  5. David

    Lordy Guest

    Is oil used in the system to lubricate anything.
    But as it's mixed in with the refrigerant tho no smell should be
    apparent from that unless the system has failed.
    Lordy, Jul 17, 2004
  6. David

    mike Guest

    yep sorry for the short reply earlier.

    oil is used but should be completely evacuted then the system is re-charged.

    how does the temp look if you do the test i asked?

    mike, Jul 17, 2004
  7. David

    David Guest

    sorry mike not had time to do test, will do tomorrow and report back

    David, Jul 17, 2004
  8. David

    Philip Guest


    This just sounds normal. The stale smell is from bacteria that live on the
    evaporation coil. When you run the air-conditioner it gets wet and cold and
    water condenses, when you turn it off, it warms up, and the water that was
    condensing starts evaporating along with the bacteria (and their smell) into
    the air and emits into the car.

    To try and avoid this problem, get the system cleaned to rid the existing
    bacteria, and then when you use the air-conditioner, always switch it off,
    but leave the fan running to push through the air for several minutes
    (10-15mins) to help dry it out as quickly as possible. If you don't do this
    then water is left sitting on the evaporator and bacteria breed, just they
    like would on a cloth that is left wet.


    Philip, Jul 23, 2004
  9. That explains another oddity ( to someone who is new to aircon)

    In damp weather I use the aircon to demist the windows - then switch it off
    but keep the fan going - so the windows then steam up again, with a

    Richard Murphy, Jul 24, 2004
  10. David

    David Guest


    Thanks for your comments, but is it realistic for the bacteria to exist in a
    car that was only 2 months old when I first noticed the smell. I'm sure it
    is a case of moisture being blown through the vents when the system is
    turned off and the fan left running. Is there a drain hole for this
    accumulated water to drain away from? If so, it could be covered maybe?

    David, Jul 24, 2004
  11. David

    dogsBollix Guest

    whilst steaming down the motorway the other day there was a Very Heavy
    Donwpour and the front screen misted up so i switched the blower on and it
    steamed up even more.
    Very disconserting at 80 mph and no visibility :)

    dogsBollix, Jul 24, 2004
  12. David

    mike Guest

    no, that is part of the recharge process.
    really, i'd take it back & get them to do a service on the aircon if you
    think it faulty.
    be firm! stand your ground.

    or use a halfords 'aircon' bomb, about 13 quid

    mike, Jul 24, 2004
  13. David

    Lordy Guest

    is it realistic for the bacteria to exist in a car that was
    Just because you've had the car for two months doesn't mean it's two
    months old :)
    Lordy, Jul 24, 2004
  14. David

    Philip Guest


    There must be a drain somewhere but I doubt it is blocked. Most of the
    bacteria grow and thrive at the moment you turn off the air-con, where the
    coils and fins trap the water along with food (particles in the air become
    trapped in the water as it condenses) and that water isn't chilled anymore
    and starts becoming warm, hence the sudden pong! So it only takes a few
    occasions of using the air-con then leaving the car without having dried it
    out to build up a nice colony of bacteria and mould that will pong the next
    time you use the fan, especially when it has been made wet again!

    Forcing the air through for a while after every use of the air-con gets rid
    of that water more quickly and helps prevent the growth and over time you
    should find things improve somewhat. Remember to turn off the
    air-circulation for the "drying" phase so that fresh air is coming into the

    Imagine going to the gym and then leaving your damp towel and gym gear in a
    sealed bag in a warm car for a few days, and what that will smell like
    afterwards! So 2 months is plenty of time to build up a nice colony of
    bacteria and mould believe me!

    It is also a problem in domestic and industrial air-conditioners which is
    why often they employ things like plasma and UV lights to kill bacteria.


    Philip, Jul 27, 2004
  15. David

    David Guest

    I will try out your suggestions over the next week or so. Not tried turning
    off the recirc before the a/c, I'm always open to ideas. If it doesn't
    improve, I feel it trip to the dealer my be in order.

    David, Jul 28, 2004
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