Zafira Idle problem

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by Howard Funnell, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. My Zafira 1.8 v reg suffers from hesitation when pulling away. As you let
    the clutch out, increase the revs the engine dies and the car hesitates,
    apart from this the car drives fine. Somebody advised me to clean the inside
    of the throttle body/ butterfly, this worked like a charm but 3 months later
    I am having to do it again. The idle control valve is part of the throttle
    body, not separate on the side. I phoned Autovaux about a replacement part,
    they seem to know about this problem and sell about 6 a month. The new part
    is about £150; I don't mind spending the money if it provides a long term

    Has anybody else had similar problems?

    Thanks Howard
    Howard Funnell, Mar 4, 2007
  2. Howard Funnell

    mikeFNB Guest

    did you use carb claener, this normally works for me for upto a year+
    you might also wish to clean the pipes local to that and the 'large feed
    pipe' to the ehgine hosing too.

    mikeFNB, Mar 4, 2007
  3. Hi Mike

    I did use carb cleaner , but its difficult to see on the Zafira how good a
    job you have done.

    This time i did clean 2 hoses from the camshaft cover to throttle body. (
    not very dirty)
    Not sure what you mean by large feed pipe

    Do you know if the new part is an improved design?

    Thanks Howard
    Howard Funnell, Mar 5, 2007
  4. Howard Funnell

    mikeFNB Guest

    no i'm sorry not fam with zafs as such
    however it might have the mess filter in it that stop this?

    mikeFNB, Mar 5, 2007
  5. Howard Funnell

    bob Guest

    I had similar problem. I cleaned the inside of the throttle body but this
    caused another problem. I took the throttle body out of the engine. I
    noticed that the pipe to the camshaft housing has a very small opening into
    the throttle body which had got blocked due to to much cleaning. I cleaned
    the pipe and entrance into the throttle body. The car runs a dream now.
    bob, Mar 11, 2007
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