Zafira Di Glowplugs

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by Steve Bilton, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. Steve Bilton

    Steve Bilton Guest

    The wife's 2000 DI Zafira doesn't like starting now that the weather's
    gone cold.

    Even after two or three goes with the glowplug light on the dash it
    struggles to start. So I guess the glow plugs are on their way out.

    It has done 85k miles so I guess they could be tired.

    Do I need to change them all, or is it likely to just be one? To test
    them I presume they need to be removed, so if I need to remove them to
    test, I may as well do them all...?

    How much are we looking at per plug? Best from Vauxhall or will ECP be
    a better bet?


    Steve Bilton, Nov 23, 2005
  2. Steve Bilton

    Mike Guest

    you can test them in place. just unbolt the electrical connection from them
    all, then run power from the +ve terminal of the battery through a test bulb
    to the terminal on the end. if the bulb lights then ok. in the old days when
    I had a couple of old french oil burners I just used a jump lead. if there
    was a spark when it touched the end, it worked. do this if you want but on
    your own head etc etc. I didnt care too much coz they were only french cars.

    No idea of price but its out of warranty so you dont have to go to dealer.
    try a few places. motor factors, diesel specialists etc. but get a vx price
    anyhow, and dont be too upset if you end up with a 3 figure sum for a set!
    also, ask a few local garages for a price to supply and fit them. some plugs
    can be buggers to do for the home mechanic (you will need a long reach
    socket to shift them), and a garage might do the plugs at close to trade for
    the work.

    whether you replace the lot or just the blown ones is up to you, but I
    recommend doing the lot. and if you get a garage to do it, ask for the old
    ones back. there might be a good un there for a spare if you are truly
    desparate some day!

    Mike, Nov 23, 2005
  3. Steve Bilton

    Steve Bilton Guest

    Thanks Mike,

    Rang Vx - £15.40 ex vat each. Rang usual garage in Exeter - £76.80 to
    supply and fit - not worth getting cold fingers for... booked in for


    Steve Bilton, Nov 25, 2005
  4. Steve Bilton

    The wild eye Guest

    I have just paid £44 for four plugs for my 1.7 corsa (isuzu non turbo
    ) from ALS in whipton .
    It took ten minutes to change so after looking at what price you have
    been qouted I think it was a bargain

    The wild eye, Nov 26, 2005
  5. Steve Bilton

    Steve Bilton Guest


    Thanks Steve,

    I'll give ALS a ring... and maybe get my hands cold - although it is a
    little warmer now the snow has nearly gone...


    Steve Bilton, Nov 26, 2005
  6. Steve Bilton

    Steve Bilton Guest

    Just as a follow-up...

    No time to do them so booked it in for today, £24 labour to do it -
    sounds good.

    Phone call - one of them has snapped, we'll need to take the head off
    - £200 labour before parts.

    Can they really turn round and say "Oh dear, sorry, you will have to
    foot the bill, but we'll trim something off the labour rate for you?"

    I could have snapped it myself.

    Sorry for the rant - not a happy bunny this afternoon.

    Steve Bilton, Dec 5, 2005
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