Zafira Alternator

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by Neil McGrath, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. Neil McGrath

    Neil McGrath Guest

    I have a 2.2 petrol 16v Zafira and the alternator has just gone its a 2002
    elegance model and the engine type/no is Z22SE can anybody tell me if I need
    a 100 or 120 amp also any idea of price and labour would be a great help.
    Neil McGrath, Aug 8, 2009
  2. Neil McGrath

    me140 Guest

    Your local dealer parts dept will be able to tell you what is fitted using
    the reg number. Not too bad to fit - some times need to de gas the ac as a
    pipe needs removing but not always - 2 hrs max and that is being generous.
    me140, Aug 9, 2009
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