Zafira acc socket

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by R.J.O., Jan 1, 2004.

  1. R.J.O.

    R.J.O. Guest

    I seem to recall this being covered some time ago but.........

    I have a 2003 Zafira without the socket. I have found (I assume) the
    location of the socket behind the removable cover at the rear of the offside
    rear light. I have also found a length of wire that is not connected to
    anything, two core connector, I believed this to be the standard cables for
    the socket. I've put a meter over the connectors with ignition on and off
    and nothing!

    Do I need more parts? an extra fuse installed in the panle? a relay?

    Any advice appreciated.

    R.J.O., Jan 1, 2004
  2. You need a relay which is placed somewhere behind the fuses. Look at this
    page (in German):

    Ronald de Leeuw
    Ronald de Leeuw, Jan 1, 2004
  3. R.J.O.

    Tram Man Guest

    Tram Man, Jan 1, 2004
  4. R.J.O.

    Me2 Guest

    The socket for the relay lives all by itself up near the metal tube behind
    the dash on the right hand side. You can just get your hand in to fit the
    Me2, Jan 2, 2004
  5. R.J.O.

    R.J.O. Guest

    Thanks for all the good advice......

    R.J.O., Jan 3, 2004
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