Zafira 2002 Multi Function Display

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by Gio, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Gio

    Gio Guest

    For some reason the lower part section of the display has stopped working.
    The very bottom of the displayed radio station name is the actual area of
    the display that does not show.

    Any ideas of a possible cause ?


    Gio, Aug 23, 2009
  2. Gio

    airsmoothed Guest

    Having had a number of Vauxhalls with these displays they do tend to
    lose digits as they get older, but I wouldn't expect that to be
    happening on a 2002 car, the one in SWMBO's 2001 Zafira is fine as is
    the one in my 99 Vectra; the one in my '96 Vectra has started losing
    digits however. There's a web page somewhere which describes how to
    strip down and refurbrish these displays, if I can find it I'll post a
    link. Before doing anything more time consuming I'd try a gentle
    thump on the dash near the display ;-)
    airsmoothed, Aug 24, 2009
  3. Gio

    Gio Guest

    Having had a number of Vauxhalls with these displays they do tend to
    lose digits as they get older, but I wouldn't expect that to be
    happening on a 2002 car, the one in SWMBO's 2001 Zafira is fine as is
    the one in my 99 Vectra; the one in my '96 Vectra has started losing
    digits however. There's a web page somewhere which describes how to
    strip down and refurbrish these displays, if I can find it I'll post a
    link. Before doing anything more time consuming I'd try a gentle
    thump on the dash near the display ;-)

    Thanks Airsmoothed, I would appreciate the link if you locate it. I have
    been looking for MFD, MFD faults etc but other than bulb changes there was
    little else to spot.
    When you say they do start to loose digits, is that single complete digits
    or sections of the display running from left to right?
    Gio, Aug 24, 2009
  4. Gio

    airsmoothed Guest

    I still haven't tracked down the link, will have another look today.
    In essence what happens is the cable that connects the MFD to the dash
    starts to lose contact with the MFD PCB. Hence rows of the display
    start to disappear, i.e. sections of display as you describe them.
    Yours does sound rather new to start displaying this problem
    though. :-/
    airsmoothed, Aug 25, 2009
  5. Gio

    Brim Guest

    Have a read of various documents here (requires Adobe Reader). Mk 4
    Astra is very similar to Zafira A. Could be just background
    illumination bulb gone in display, Can you see any digits if you look
    at display from an angle or shine a torch on display from above?
    Brim, Aug 26, 2009
  6. Gio

    Gio Guest


    I still haven't tracked down the link, will have another look today.
    In essence what happens is the cable that connects the MFD to the dash
    starts to lose contact with the MFD PCB. Hence rows of the display
    start to disappear, i.e. sections of display as you describe them.
    Yours does sound rather new to start displaying this problem
    though. :-/

    Thank you for that advice. It must have been a Friday car, hence the
    display is playing up after 55k. On closer examination the display has less
    actually missing than I
    initially thought and on close examination it must only be a row or two of
    the matrix as I can just make out the dots of the malformed characters.

    It looks like either I put up with it or look to getting it out and
    examining cable feeds and the unit itself. 1st option should be ok if
    nothing further vanishes as removal looks a real pain because it looks to be
    quite integral with the dash.

    see image
    Gio, Aug 26, 2009
  7. Gio

    Gio Guest

    Hi Brim, thank you for that. the display on closer examination is not as
    bad as I first thought. and appears to be just two rows of the matrix dots.
    Looking closely you can just make out the missing dots of the characters.
    The tp indicators etc at the bottom of the display are all there and I hope
    it either springs back to life or at worse stays as it is until I buck up
    the courage to set about getting it out.
    Gio, Aug 26, 2009
  8. Gio

    airsmoothed Guest

    Personally I'd leave it then,it certainly isn't trivial to remove it.
    On my 13year old Vectra the missing rows do suddenly come back to life
    some days. I'm still loloking for the link!
    airsmoothed, Aug 27, 2009
  9. Gio

    Mike Guest

    I too have a 13 year old vectra and it suffers the same fault, and for the
    same reasons. It is largely dependant on the time of year and levels of
    dampness, as its no longer a dry car. We have had it for 11 years now, and
    it started doing this at about 6 years old so I bought a new display which
    worked. but is now as bad as the old one. but at the time I did pull the old
    one apart and discovered the cause (in my case at least) was where the data
    ribbon cable clamped onto the glass plate of the display. there was some
    form of either corrosion or maybe even mould where the connections meet, as
    they are simply pressed together with some form of clamp. Unfortunately I
    broke it trying to fix it, but the principle is probably the same as the
    display on the zaf. We had a zax too, a 2000 1.8 and the display
    occasionally had hiccups but I just learned to live with it.

    Mike, Aug 28, 2009
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