I have a chronic problem with my vectra 2.0, R reg, one that has survived several visits to the garage. When I go around a corner or roundabout, I get a "brake squeal" noise. Like the noise you get on your front pads when you have no anti chatter plates. It sometimes goes away if I lift the handbrake lever slightly, so I assume it is on the rear wheels, and the brake shoes either dampen the noise, or are causing it. Garage number 1 have replaced the pads on the disks (said there was a hairline crack on the pads showing the pad was breaking away from the metal back, and would cause squeal): No effect. Garage number2 have checked the bearings, and find no play (I always thought it sounded like dry bearings, and the cornering thing sort of re-enforced the idea). Says he has never heard of squeaky bearings. (car is at about 60,000 miles) Garage number2 have had the rear breaks stripped down so the handbrake shoes could be looked at. They look new, and there was some brake dust needed cleaning out: Squeak went away for 4 days. Took the car back, saying it still did it, and he is either out of ideas, or fobbing me off, but says loads of vectras do it, and he cant do anything about it, it is brake dust (from the handbrake? get real) Does anyone have any clues? Thanks Bob