Vectra rear End Noise Continued

Discussion in 'Vectra' started by r3duf, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. r3duf

    r3duf Guest

    Thank you to allthe replies from my first post on 05/05/2005 regarding the
    problem with my friends 1997 Vectra making undue noise from the rear.

    Having passed on all the information and advice he put it into the main
    dealer who assured him it was not the Roll Bar Bushes( Thanks Mike) but the
    suspension bushes. He paid £185.00 for the work to be done, guess what ! The
    noise is still there. He has been back to the main dealer "It is an older
    vehicle Sir" and he and I await further developments.
    r3duf, Jun 19, 2005
  2. r3duf

    ßødincµs Guest

    On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 16:31:02 GMT, r3duf said...
    |Thank you to allthe replies from my first post on 05/05/2005 regarding the
    |problem with my friends 1997 Vectra making undue noise from the rear.
    |Having passed on all the information and advice he put it into the main
    |dealer who assured him it was not the Roll Bar Bushes( Thanks Mike) but the
    |suspension bushes. He paid £185.00 for the work to be done, guess what !The
    |noise is still there. He has been back to the main dealer "It is an older
    |vehicle Sir" and he and I await further developments.
    Look @ the exhaust... Maybe it's bent for a hit in reverse, or it's going
    to crumble for rust. Happened to me just a few days ago: rattles and thumps
    for weeks before, then suddenly no more rattles and thumps but a rumbly
    noise like a V2.3 ... except that is a 1.8! :)
    ßødincµs, Jun 19, 2005
  3. r3duf

    r3duf Guest

    On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 16:31:02 GMT, r3duf said...
    |Thank you to allthe replies from my first post on 05/05/2005 regarding the
    |problem with my friends 1997 Vectra making undue noise from the rear.
    |Having passed on all the information and advice he put it into the main
    |dealer who assured him it was not the Roll Bar Bushes( Thanks Mike) but the
    |suspension bushes. He paid £185.00 for the work to be done, guess what !
    |noise is still there. He has been back to the main dealer "It is an older
    |vehicle Sir" and he and I await further developments.
    Look @ the exhaust... Maybe it's bent for a hit in reverse, or it's going
    to crumble for rust. Happened to me just a few days ago: rattles and thumps
    for weeks before, then suddenly no more rattles and thumps but a rumbly
    noise like a V2.3 ... except that is a 1.8! :)

    Exhaust was one of the many items renewed in the first examination he has
    had it checked and rechecked by the supplier.
    Most of the obvious things like loose spare wheel , jack, boot lid ect ect
    have been crossed out. Anyhow will let you know if he gets it sorted.Thanks
    for the interest.
    r3duf, Jun 19, 2005
  4. r3duf

    Bob .-.-. Guest

    Just a thought & I can't remember if we've put this forward before - BUT -
    some years ago I had an old Cav and had a "tinkling" at the front & couldn't
    find it for ages - eventually I found out that it was the front springs. At
    the very bottom of the coil where it sits in the cup - about 1/2 a turn had
    broken off an was oh so hard to find, but tinkled away merrily. I've heard
    several others with the same tinkle since.
    Just in case there is a common problem with Vauxhall springs - it might be
    worth a quick check?
    Good luck
    Bob .-.-., Jun 20, 2005
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