Vectra engine Removal question ???????????????

Discussion in 'Vectra' started by Big T, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. Big T

    Big T Guest

    I have a p-reg 1.8 Vauxhall Vectra with a hole in the block.
    I have now got a replacement engine and have a question about fitting it.
    The manual says that it drops down underneath with the sub frame.
    My question is this, is it possible to take the engine out the top leaving
    the gearbox still in the car?

    Has anyone ever managed to take the engine out of the top?
    If you have are there any tips or helpful advice you can pass on to me?

    Any help given would be greatly appreciated
    Big T, Jul 24, 2005
  2. Big T

    me140 Guest

    You can get them out the top but it is a struggle. If you take both
    manifolds off it will give you some extra room. You may need to unbolt the
    gearbox from it's mounts and slide it over to give you a bit more room to
    clear the clutch / bellhousing.
    Put a new cambelt on your new engine when it is out - lots easier - check
    the water pump too. Also check it hasn't snapped off the exhaust manifold
    stud near the power steering pump. Happens lots.
    me140, Jul 24, 2005
  3. Big T

    Big T Guest

    Hi Me140, thanks for the advice.

    Have you ever managed to remove the engine out of the top without moving the
    gearbox over?
    It looks as though it is possible but the space is tight.
    I am going to remove the head and all the ancillories before I attempt to
    remove the engine.
    When I put the replacement engine in I will put the short engine in first
    then bolt the head on afterwards.
    Have you ever managed to remove a short engine out of the top without moving
    the gearbox?
    Big T, Jul 24, 2005
  4. Big T

    me140 Guest

    If you have got head off already on old and new engines it is a lot easier.
    Should get away with out unbolting box but may need to use some brute force
    to clear clutch - be careful not to damage clutch slave cylinder. If you
    have air con be gentle with pipes.
    You may need to take oil filter housing off to give you another couple of mm
    I pulled a Calibra engine out the top so does come out.
    Have fun.
    me140, Jul 24, 2005
  5. Big T

    Big T Guest

    With the head of it looks like it's possible.
    I just needed to confirm that someone else had actually managed to do it.
    Thanks for the advice.
    Big T, Jul 24, 2005
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