vauxhall made me feel insulted :(

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by aussie bongo, May 15, 2006.

  1. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    vauxhall made me feel insulted :(

    just been to the local dealer for a new key,,,,, £80
    i also told them that i had a error code p0141 on the car and can they give
    me a price to fix it,
    the bloke said that he do not know what that means, and they need to run a
    check test on the car to find out what the codes are at £42.50.
    i told him that it is a lamba sensor, he then said that p0141 could also be
    for the o2 sensor/meter on the inlet.(((either he knows or dont)))
    they wont change the lamba until i have the check test done just incase it
    is not the lamba and it is the o2 sensor/meter.

    now i have lost my trust in them and will get wilco to change it. at the
    same time i will have the front tyres changed.

    Vauxhall,,, you have just lost around £200,,,,,
    aussie bongo, May 15, 2006
  2. aussie bongo

    Chris Guest

    Unfortunately this type of thing is becoming increasingly common. I tend to
    stick with those who provide a good customer service over everything else.
    It's the same with garages - some you trust, some you don't.

    A bit off topic, but I recently spent 5k on new windows - the way the
    companies treated me as a customer playing a major factor in the decision to
    buy - price, yes its important but no so important as customer service.
    These people also knew what they were talking about and answered all my
    questions. I'm sure I could have got a quote for a few quid cheaper - but
    then as the old saying goes you get what you pay for.

    I'll be looking to get a new conservatory as well - I'm going back to the
    same people. Shame this dealer has got their act together, people just
    won't go back to them. Numpties as they are.

    Soap box off,
    Chris, May 15, 2006
  3. aussie bongo

    Mike Guest

    Screw 'em. If you want to vent your spleen, write to the managers/owners,
    telling them that you and your money are going somewhere else, and tell them
    why. dont be nasty, or they will think something like 'good riddance'. Be
    nice and polite and include your name and address (but not a phone number or
    email address). Include dates and as much detail as possible. With luck you
    might get the numpty that served you a bollocking. Who knows? they might
    even make you an offer on sorting your problem! stranger things have


    BTW if nothing else, be assured that your money will spend just as well at
    another place :)
    Mike, May 15, 2006
  4. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    i have no problems with the cost of the key,
    the bit i found insulting was that, once i told him the code he said that
    means nothing to him until i told him its the "bank 1 senser 2" (lambda)
    he then said it could be that or the o2 meter/senser on the inlet.
    also i feel bad about the part that they will not fix the car by the code
    that i gave them unless i pay them £42.50 so they can pull the code first.
    what is wrong with fixing it for the customer if the are given the code. why
    should i have to pay them to tell me the code that i already know about.

    anyway i have said my bit,

    if i am wrong about it maybe some of the pro`s on here can tell me what code
    p0141 means?
    and how the fault will allow the cars reliability.
    aussie bongo, May 15, 2006
  5. aussie bongo

    mikeFNB Guest

    two thing

    1. will tell you
    about the codes and their meanings

    2. write to vauxhall head office as explained

    charvills (but not every) were a very big rip off lot.
    thats why they went down the pan hole so rumour has it
    vauxhall europe were none too impressed with the number of complaints and
    pulled the franchise

    mikeFNB, May 16, 2006
  6. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    thanks mike but that site do not have code p0141 listed
    aussie bongo, May 16, 2006
  7. aussie bongo

    mikeFNB Guest

    mikeFNB, May 16, 2006
  8. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    thanks mike.
    i have found several sites and all the codes read the same as the ones for
    my code reader.
    aussie bongo, May 16, 2006
  9. aussie bongo

    etomd Guest


    Soap box on

    You probably paid about £2000 for the good salesman\company who gave you the
    attention you wanted and because of this the salesman\company needed to look
    after their reputation much more than a company that charges a lot
    less............. and cannot therefore give you the service. You must be the
    "Numpty" because the product is the same. You the customer have decried the
    businesses that give the public a lower price that the majority of customers
    want. (in the case of double glazing anyway.) can we get back on

    Soap box off

    I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
    etomd, May 18, 2006
  10. aussie bongo

    Chris Guest

    That's you opinion - I don't agree. I knew what was a 'reasonable' price to
    pay and they met it. Would you buy from someone who employed 'numpties' to
    represent them? Your logic seems a bit odd to me. Things are 'cheaper' for
    a reason, and that reason is in the vast majority of cases lower quality
    products. I don't actually buy replaement windows that ofter (funnily
    enough) so quality is way more important than saving a few quid on inferior

    Now look what you've made me do - this is supposed to be a Vauchall forum.
    Chris, May 24, 2006
  11. aussie bongo

    Mike Guest

    " Things are 'cheaper' for
    Although I'm not going to disagree with you, its worth pointing out that the
    reverse isnt always true. just because something is expensive doesnt mean it
    must be good quality.

    Mike, May 24, 2006
  12. aussie bongo

    etomd Guest


    So now you are trying to blame me. it was me who answered your mutterings
    not the other way around. I have retired now but my last employment was as
    MD , of guess what, a double glazing company employing 25 people 10 of which
    were salespeople - so I like to think that I know what I am talking about -
    unlike you - and it was this in mind that I replied to YOUR off topic

    Now look what "YOU'VE" made me do - this is supposed to be a Vauxhall forum.
    etomd, May 25, 2006
  13. aussie bongo

    Chris Guest

    I think you need to attend anger management classes. It sounds like your
    getting stressed out.
    Chris, May 25, 2006
  14. aussie bongo

    etomd Guest

    Anger management - whose angry ...............and learn to post properly
    whilst dishing out your misguided utterences..
    etomd, May 25, 2006
  15. aussie bongo

    Chris Guest

    Dont cheek you elders
    Chris, May 25, 2006
  16. aussie bongo

    etomd Guest

    You jest of course..........The end
    etomd, May 25, 2006
  17. aussie bongo

    Rob Guest

    you guys have really gone off track .
    what would you be saying if vauxhall fitted an o2 sensor as you said and it
    dident fix the problem because p0141 could be a fault with intake system or
    exhaust system or many sensors including temp sensor , sounds to me vauxhall
    did the right thing and wanted to check for themselves with their diagnostic
    Rob, May 28, 2006
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