Vauxhall Astra SXi judder

Discussion in 'Astra' started by Phil, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. Phil

    Phil Guest


    I have a problem with my 2002 Astra 16v SXi (30,000 miles on clock), I
    believe the symptoms are connected. When cruising along, if I go to give it
    a small amount of throttle (just to maintain speed) the car judders, as
    though the engine can't make up it's mind if it should be starting to
    accelerate or not. When in slow moving traffic in first gear if I am only
    just giving it a small amount of throttle to move along (around 1500 revs),
    the car can suddenly seem to cut out with the result I suddenly slow down
    although it doesn't stall, it's then 'bouncy' for several seconds
    afterwards. It will do this in all gears but being in 1st gear in slow
    moving traffic with a judder is much more noticeable when the revs drop and
    it's like slamming on the brakes but with no brake lights to warn anyone
    behind! The problem is always when I just very slightly accelerate and it's
    the same if the car is hot or cold. It's only just started doing this and
    seems to be getting worse.

    The car is LPG and Petrol with the problem on both fuel types. A search on
    the net seemed to point to the EGR value but I believe the ECOTEK engines on
    newer models did away with this?

    Any ideas what might be causing this problem before I take it to the garage
    so I have some idea what they should be looking at.


    Phil, Dec 26, 2006
  2. Phil

    mikeFNB Guest

    mikeFNB, Dec 26, 2006
  3. Phil

    Phil Guest

    Phil, Dec 26, 2006
  4. Phil

    Mike Guest

    First place I would look with a gas powered car is ignition system. LPG will
    throw up any weaknesses you have in that area.
    common problems are timing issues-gas needs advancing about 8-10 degrees
    past the petrol setting. Another area is ht leads.
    If your engine has them instead of the coil pack arrangement then try
    re-routing them so they do not touch each other. When the insulation starts
    to break down or get a bit damp, or even just under load they can arc to
    ground, causing the plug not to fire, or worse case is arcing to another
    lead and firing the wrong plug at the wrong time! If you are really unlucky
    it fires the plug on the induction stroke and causes a premature explosion
    in the cylinder and inlet manifold because the inlet valve is open and the
    flame spreads. this usually means kissing goodbye to your airflow meter!

    Mike, Dec 26, 2006
  5. Phil

    me140 Guest

    Have you any engine warning lights coming on?
    Could be a misfire. If it is doing it on both fuels then I would suspect DIS
    coil pack, plugs or if you are really unlucky TCU module on LPG.
    You need to get it sorted soon cos if you fry your cat it will cost you a
    me140, Dec 27, 2006
  6. Phil

    Phil Guest

    Hi Mike

    Thanks for the reply. I was thinking it could be the ignition system but it
    only happens when I slightly accelerate, i.e. go from coasting to just
    touching the accelerator it will judder, it's as though the engine can't
    decide if it should be going or not, but when I accerelate harder rather
    than just a trickle to maintain speed, or drive up hill etc there is never a
    problem, which sort of made me think it might be something else as the
    judder only happens in very specific scenerios and I know when it will
    happen now. The judder only lasts a few seconds and only happens with very
    light acceleration, putting my foot down and it's as smooth as anything.
    The LPG system is a Vauxhall fitted one and it does the same thing on
    petrol, no HT leads.

    I take your point about getting it looked at, however whenever I have had
    these sorts of odd problems I have never found a garage ever fix it first go
    and you end up going back half a dozen times each time costing a fortune,
    hence trying to get all the info I can, so thanks for the advice.

    There has never been any indication of a problem from the engine management
    light, which means the garage will be clueless quite likely!

    I'll let you know how I get on.


    Phil, Dec 27, 2006
  7. Phil

    Phil Guest


    Thanks for the info.

    No management warning lights.

    I'll phone up the garage and book it in. Would it be the ignition system?
    There is nothing random about the judder as it happens in the same places on
    the way home from work, always after coasting along then just accelerating
    very slightly or while slowly moving in traffic, again when just touching
    the accelerator? Idle is completely steady, it never stalls and no starting
    problems, just this hesitation on very slight acceleration.


    Phil, Dec 27, 2006
  8. Phil

    Phil Guest


    Just had a look at the car and removed the top plastic ECOTEK cover. First
    thing I noticed is part of the wiring loom was warn away exposing some wires
    and the copper of an orange wire! This had be worn away due to the ECOTEK
    cover screws being overtightened at some point (I had thought since having
    the car it never seem quite fitted correctly) dislodging a rubber grommet
    that holds the cover clear of the engine. Without the grommet in place the
    cover was tightened down too far and so it's edge sat on top of the wiring
    loom. What disgusts me is this car has been serviced by a Vauxhall garage,
    the last time only a couple of months ago and they replaced spark plugs so
    had this top off, and no mechanic has thought to sort it out or seen the
    wear on the wiring loom and it's very easy to spot! It took me 5 minutes to
    reseat the rubber grommet and have it fitted back properly. I don't think
    that is a cause of my problems as the small amount of exposed copper was
    only touching the plastic and not shorting against anything.

    I removed the coil pack, it was all very clean and will see about swapping
    it was a friends Astra now that I know how easy they are to get at, but what
    was odd, on loosening one of the screws, (far left one) I could hear a hiss
    of escaping air as it was first turned.

    Just adding to this thread really to moan about that fact the cover wasn't
    fitted correctly and could have potentially caused me a breakdown.


    Phil, Dec 27, 2006
  9. Phil

    me140 Guest

    If you have access to a donor car try swapping the air mass meter if the
    coil pack doesn't help.
    me140, Dec 27, 2006
  10. Phil

    Mr E Guest

    Has the car had the upgraded software with the EGR valve written out?


    Mr E, Dec 29, 2006
  11. Phil

    GaZ Guest

    This is interesting. I hadn't heard of this before. Can you point me to any
    links please

    GaZ, Dec 30, 2006
  12. Phil

    Phil Guest


    I've since read about this although not sure it applies to the 16v 1.6, only
    the 8v seems to be involved with this change. I've removed the EGR valve
    for a clean (it hadn't been blocked off), it looked okay and appeared closed
    rather than stuck open and on my model it has the 4 wire connection so if it
    gets stuck it "should" trigger an engine management fault, which I've seen
    none. I will see if it seems any better for having had a clean and a squirt
    of lubricant and will ask the Vauxhall garage about it, but shouldn't they
    have picked this up on a service, the last being only a few months ago? It
    is a 2002 model and someone reported that at some point the firmware was
    updated to "chatter" the valve periodically to stop it becoming dirty and
    stuck so removing the need for the fix. Of course you read so many things
    on the internet you never know what is correct or not.


    Phil, Dec 31, 2006
  13. Phil

    Phil Guest


    Just for future people searching on a similar problem an update to what has

    After removing and cleaning/spraying with lubricant the EGR valve it's been
    like driving a new car. The judder/hesitation has gone, it pulls away
    smoothly and it accelerates so much better, it's a pleasure to drive again.

    As it seems a clean/oil is only ever a short term fix I have ordered a new
    EGR valve. Your mileage may vary but at least my mileage is judder free now


    Phil, Jan 5, 2007
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