Temperture gauge

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by S.Routledge, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. S.Routledge

    S.Routledge Guest

    Vectra 1.8 LS 2004
    Running temperature is just under 80 on the gauge in the car.
    Generally the temperature in the car is poor and the only way to warm the
    car is with the blower set to 2.
    Is this normal or should I ask the dealer to investigate the thermostat and
    temperature gauge.
    S.Routledge, Jan 27, 2006
  2. S.Routledge

    mikeFNB Guest

    about right this time of year.
    it could be a blockage in the heater matrix, stick your hand on it, is it as
    hot as the main rad?
    it could also be the vectoring motors if fitted might not be stetting the
    flap correct, might even be small leaves.
    check the polen filter etc etc first.

    mikeFNB, Jan 28, 2006
  3. S.Routledge

    Mr Me Guest

    Vectra-C's are notorious for taking a very long time to warm up, it can be
    7->8 miles for the temperature gauge to start to float (for the Diesel's
    anyway, I have also read that the petrol's take a long time too).

    There was a thread a couple of day's ago on www.vectra-c.com.

    Mr Me, Jan 28, 2006
  4. S.Routledge

    airsmoothed Guest

    My wife's 1.8 Zafira certainly takes an eternity to get above 80 at
    this time of year, although the cabin temeprature is fine, but does
    warm up much quicker in the summer, so it does seem to be normal for
    these 1.8 engines. It has just had it's winter 'health check' via the
    local Vx dealer, so I assume they would've found something amiss if
    this behaviour wasn't normal.
    airsmoothed, Jan 30, 2006
  5. S.Routledge

    mikeFNB Guest

    quite normal

    mikeFNB, Jan 31, 2006
  6. S.Routledge

    bnoonan Guest

    When I've had this on any car, it tended to be a faulty coolant
    thernostat. It would always be open and, therfore, let coolant
    circulate constantly. The engine would never properly heat up. For a
    few quid and a few minutes work to change it, it could be worth a try.
    bnoonan, Jan 31, 2006
  7. S.Routledge

    airsmoothed Guest

    I had that problem on my cavalier mk3, finally fixed it after I'd had
    the car 3 years ;-)...but this 'problem' with the 1.8 Vx engine does
    sound like it is normal behaviour rather than the themrostat; I did
    check my whie's Zafira by feeling the top hose after the car had been
    running for a couple of minutes, the hose was cold, therfore I assume
    the thermostat is OK.
    airsmoothed, Jan 31, 2006
  8. S.Routledge

    Steve Guest

    Just out of interest I checked my Zafira 1.8 after leaving work last
    night. The car had sat in the shade all day with the air temp sitting
    at +0.5 degreesC. Warm up to above 80 degrees C on the gauge took 2.5
    miles driven at 30 to 40 mph.

    Steve, Feb 1, 2006
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