Temperature indication - Astra diesel

Discussion in 'Astra' started by Titleist, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    I have just purchased an Astra 2.0 diesel EcoTech. On a journey of 8
    miles from cold start, the temperature gauge does not move, although
    the heater is quite hot. Is this normal, or has the thermostat failed?
    Titleist, Jan 14, 2005
  2. Titleist

    mikeFNB Guest

    well i wouldn't think it be the thermostat if you have a hot heater matrix

    i'd guess for a faulty temp gauge sender unit or the gauge is stuffed.
    check the wires going to the sensor first.
    might just have pulled off

    mikeFNB, Jan 14, 2005
  3. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    Thanks for the response mike. When i turn the heater down, the gauge
    then rises to about 80 deg, so its workin. Just wondered if they were
    all slow to rise?
    Titleist, Jan 14, 2005
  4. Titleist

    ME2 Guest

    They take ages to show on the gauge - if it is getting hot and the gauge
    works when you have done more than 8 miles it will be fine
    ME2, Jan 14, 2005
  5. Titleist

    Guest Guest

    Normal operation over a short journey.
    Guest, Jan 15, 2005
  6. Titleist

    mikeFNB Guest

    ok well i think the other gents have answered that one!

    mikeFNB, Jan 15, 2005
  7. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    Thanks guys
    Titleist, Jan 15, 2005
  8. Titleist

    R. Murphy Guest

    Mine petrol version did exactly that as soon as the very cold weather
    started - stst replaced, problem gone.

    If purch from a dealer with a warranty, you know what to do!
    R. Murphy, Jan 15, 2005
  9. Titleist

    John Hearns Guest

    My new Zafira diesel does the same thing.
    It comes up to temperature later in the journey.
    I think this is normal behaviour.

    You could give your dealer a ring though if you're concerned.
    John Hearns, Jan 15, 2005
  10. Titleist

    Lamri Guest

    My Astra 1.7TD was doing exactly the same thing until I changed the
    Thermostat (A very quick and easy job) and now its warming up after a couple
    of miles and regulating its temperature quite normally.
    A new Thermostat will only cost about £12 from a Vx dealer, just make sure
    you get a new seal at the same time.

    Lamri, Jan 15, 2005
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