
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Microbe, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Microbe

    Microbe Guest

    Thanks for the replies.

    The problem started when the fan would only run for a short time (10 mins)
    before stopping and refusing to start again, whichever speed setting it was

    More recently, (particularly if the weather was cold < 5C) the fan wouldn't
    run at all, unless the engine was running for about 5 minutes before turning
    the fan on. Then the fan would run for about 10 minutes before stopping. If
    during the 10 minutes the fan was switched off, it would refuse to start
    again, even if the ignition was switch off and then on again.

    Now the fan refuses to work at all.

    I should add that the car has air conditioning which I have also had
    problems with. I took it to a local dealer, but have now had the AC
    recharged 3 times in 12 months (the last time it only lasted 2 weeks before
    failing again), but they say that they can't find a leak. I don't know if
    this is related to the fan problem.
    I'd like to get the AC working again, but I have little faith in my local
    dealer, as the last time the car was in worse shape when it came out than
    when it went in. They had broken the heater control selector, so that it is
    now locked in the "windscreen" position. Does anyone know of a good Vauxhall
    dealer in the Birmingham area, or even an independant Air Conditioning
    engineer ?


    Microbe, Nov 25, 2003
  2. Microbe

    Microbe Guest

    Please ignore. My fault.
    Microbe, Nov 25, 2003
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