Sunroof Drainage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SevenSeas, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. SevenSeas

    SevenSeas Guest

    1998 Corsa Diesel LS. Bah.

    I originally thought that the sunroof had only two (back)
    drainage pipes - now it appears there are four. Can't find
    access to the passenger-side-front pipe, although I have seen
    it drain from there. There's a pipe in a barely-accessible hole
    next to the driver-side door, once you take the carpet up. The
    pipe doesn't seem to plug into a larger pipe, as they do
    at the back. Is something missing, or does it just drain into
    the bodywork...and outside. Sounds crazy.
    SevenSeas, Nov 16, 2008
  2. SevenSeas

    Richard Hill Guest

    Yes sounds crazy but they do just drain down into the sills as do many
    other cars!!
    Richard Hill, Nov 27, 2008
  3. SevenSeas

    Desireless Guest

    Yeah, well weird :) I actually only discovered this in another
    Corsa yesterday when I was at the scrapyard. On a side note,
    I found a Corsa just slightly older than mine, but most of the parts
    the same - the scrapped car is in good condition - so I'll be
    arming myself with a toolkit and heading down there today.
    I'm so happy! hehe
    Desireless, Nov 29, 2008
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