Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Len Cuff, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. Len Cuff

    Len Cuff Guest

    Sorry not really Vauxhall but couldn't find suitable NG. I have a
    Sony head Unit and
    have just fitted a SONY CDXT67 changer. All seems to work fine except
    the text for each track doesn't show any more?

    If I burn a CD with NERO and put a title on it then I see the title so
    text is working.

    If I take the same CD and put it in the head unit then I see text for
    all the tracks as well. Is there something I have missed or is this

    Len Cuff, Dec 28, 2003
  2. Len Cuff

    Stu Guest

    Hi Len,
    Sony do not do full CD text for this changer. You'll get the
    disk name but not individual track names.

    RE: suitable newsgroup. Try

    Stu, Jan 6, 2004
  3. Len Cuff

    Len Cuff Guest

    Many thanks, I mailed Sony and they got back almost the next
    day with the same answer. None of their CD changers support track

    Len Cuff, Jan 6, 2004
  4. Len Cuff

    Stu Guest

    Hi Len,

    Lots of Sony changers support full CD text. I know my
    CDX-T70MX does, as did my last Sony changer.

    Stu, Jan 7, 2004
  5. Len Cuff

    Len Cuff Guest

    Sorry for the confusion. Sony tell me there are 2 types of
    text. CD text and Memo text. My head unit supports both and that's why
    I get track names as well as CD name. All their changers only support
    CD Text so you only get the CD title not the track names.

    Well that's what they reckon anyway. Are you saying you get track
    names as well as CD title from your changer ?

    Len Cuff, Jan 7, 2004
  6. Len Cuff

    Tim Anderson Guest

    Well that's what they reckon anyway. Are you saying you get track
    I did from my old one to. I also did from my 300 disc cd changer.
    Never heard of memo text.

    Tim Anderson, Jan 7, 2004
  7. Len Cuff

    Stu Guest

    Yes. On the head unit the disk title appears with a circular disk
    symbol at the start of the name and the track title appears with a
    little musical note at the start of the name. You change between them
    and the track time using the 'disp' button.

    When using MP3 disks in my changer, the disk title changes to the
    folder name and the track title changes to the filename of the MP3
    track. If I had a more recent head unit I'd get the ID3 tags from the
    MP3 files (and be able to do folder up/down using the album up/down

    Hope this helps,

    Stu, Jan 8, 2004
  8. Len Cuff

    Stu Guest

    Me either. I think he means the option where you can actually enter
    disk names into the head unit which are remembered by the changer and
    get displayed when you play the disk. I think you can enter something
    like 100 names. Seems a bit like hard work to me.

    Stu, Jan 8, 2004
  9. Len Cuff

    Len Cuff Guest

    This is according to SONY!

    I can confirm that there are two versions of CD Text available on Sony
    products. They are memo text and disc text. Memo text displays the
    individual track information whilst disc text displays the disc title
    information. The reason that you receive full information on the
    head unit
    is that this model supports both version of CD Text, whereas the
    only supports disc text, resulting in a lack of track title
    information when
    played in the changer.

    and --

    It is with regret that none of our current range of CD changers have
    the facility to display both Memo Text and Disc Text. All of our
    current range of CD changers are only compatible with the Disc Text.

    Now puzzled even more!

    Len Cuff, Jan 9, 2004
  10. Len Cuff

    Stu Guest

    Hi Len,

    Maybe it's the current range of CD changers only then. I've got an MP3
    changer and CD text definitely works on it. I get disk title followed
    by artist and each track title gets displayed as it's played. The only
    CD text I don't get is the artists name for an individual track, only
    the track title.

    The old 10 disk CD changer I had showed exactly the same, but it's not
    exactly a current model.

    So it looks like you'll only get full text on either an MD changer or
    an MP3 changer. Not a CD changer. Bit poo really.

    Stu, Jan 13, 2004
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