Sick Omega

Discussion in 'Omega' started by SteveG, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. SteveG

    SteveG Guest

    On my way to work this morning my 1998 Omega 2ltr CD Estate croaked. I
    was approaching some traffic lights and lifted off the gas pedal so
    that they could change before I got there. As the lights changed I
    de-clutched ready to shift down into 2nd and ... the engine just died

    The engine turns over on the key okay but is very reluctant to
    re-start and when it does it sounds like the proverbial bag of nails -
    only costly sounding :-((

    Fortunately I was close to home and managed to coast as far as the
    bottom of the drive - where said Omega now sits rather forlornely.

    Any thoughts/suggestions/ideas gratefully received.

    Steve G

    Steve G
    SteveG, Nov 12, 2004
  2. SteveG

    R. Murphy Guest

    Have a look under the bonnet and see if you can see the cambelt - maybe the
    water pump has gone, destroyed the cambelt and ... (I sincerely hope not,
    but ...)
    R. Murphy, Nov 12, 2004
  3. SteveG

    SteveG Guest

    Weird or what? Turned the engine over this morning and it fired up
    straight away. There was a rather nasty sounding knocking noise coming
    from the back end of the block but that quickly quietened down (I
    guess as the oil pressure built up). The oil level was a little low -
    half way down the dip stick - so I've topped it up again and she's now
    as quiet as a church mouse.

    Steve G
    SteveG, Nov 13, 2004
  4. SteveG

    Bill Guest

    I'd go for an oil and filter change now then, looks like you have had some
    type of near seize.

    Bill, Nov 14, 2004
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