re Zafira RearBrakes

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by News, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. News

    News Guest

    thanks for the pointer Me140, i have just tried to do one side at the rear
    but could not get the caliper off the disc, how do you free off the pads in
    order to remove the caliper?? or do you need a special tool to wind the
    piston back first??


    News, Sep 7, 2005
  2. News

    me140 Guest

    2 bolts - 13mm I think - unhook the hand brake cable and calliper should
    just pull off. May need a bit of brute force if pads are stuck in the
    carrier. Pads will either come off with calliper or stay in carrier, doesn't
    matter which. Then unbolt carrier, un screw disc and hit it off.
    Wind piston back to accept new pads.
    me140, Sep 7, 2005
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