Only two windscreen wiper speeds? (Corsa F, 2024)

Discussion in 'Corsa' started by King Mustard, Feb 26, 2025 at 2:57 PM.

  1. King Mustard

    King Mustard

    Sep 23, 2024
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    United Kingdom
    My car has automatic windscreen wipers but I found they are untrustworthy, e.g on the motorway when it was pouring with rain, there was spray everywhere and a lorry goes past. Most of the time they would be on maximum speed - but not always, which was dangerous.

    However, it appears there are only two manual windscreen wiper speeds - slow and fast.

    That is fine for drizzling and torrential rain but there is nothing in the middle.

    I have never driven a car with only two manual windscreen wiper speeds before. Seems daft, to me.
    King Mustard, Feb 26, 2025 at 2:57 PM
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