No heat in Mk4 Astra

Discussion in 'Astra' started by Bas, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Bas

    Bas Guest

    Hi All,

    My 1998 Mk4 Astra (S-reg) recently had a blown head gasket, it kept
    drinking coolant and had to fill up nearly 1/2 litre per day in the
    end. Everything is fixed now (ouch) apart from the fact that I've got
    no heating in the interior. By searching in this newsgroup I found that
    one of the most likely causes is air in the heater matrix, which can be
    resolved by bleeding the coolant circuit or the heater matrix.

    The question is: Where can I find the heater matrix (it's not behind
    the glove compartment ;) ) and how do I bleed the system. Do I get
    myself a Haynes manual, go back to the repair shop or is it easy enough
    to explain in a newsgroup post?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Bas, Nov 14, 2005
  2. Bas

    me140 Guest

    It is inside the heater box so you cant get to the matrix itself - the 2
    pipes go through the bulkhead next to each other. These are usually quite
    good at bleeding - try holding the revs about 3000rpm with the expansion
    bottle cap off.
    me140, Nov 14, 2005
  3. Bas

    Bas Guest

    Thanks for the tip, will try in my lunch hour (though my car hasn't got
    a rev gauge... but I'll figure something out).
    Bas, Nov 15, 2005
  4. Bas

    Bas Guest

    Found the problem. A dodgy connector on the heater control panel!! The
    three buttons (aircon, recirc and rear window heating) didn't work.
    Apparently there's a bypass valve that stops air flowing through the
    heater matrix (or hot coolant, not sure) in case the aircon is on. Once
    the connector was fixed, I switched the aircon on and off, and the
    problem was gone. I'm now lovely and warm inside my car.... thank
    goodness, 'cause they're forcasting a horrible winter ;)

    Bas, Nov 22, 2005
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