Has my Zafira management system died?

Discussion in 'Zafira' started by Joddle, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. Joddle


    Nov 25, 2021
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    I run a 1.8 2004 Zafira automatic. Until a few weeks ago all was running fine then I had a problem with two warning lights. When these lights came on the gears would not engage or change properly. At first simply stopping the car then restarting it would make the light go off and the problem would go away and the car run fine changing gear properly and without any issues. But it happened more and more and eventually the two lights stayed on - the lights were both orange, the spanner one plus the one by the mileage reset which looks like a triangle with a car wobbling in it. When these light are on the car will not engage first gear when in "D" but if I manually change gears I can select the gears just fine. Another feature is that the kickdown has also stopped working. This all continued until yesterday when I stared the engine and instead of the spanner light, the engine light came on instead. All other symptoms the same - i.e. fine if I change gears manually but in D no first gear selected. Thinking it might be a sensor problem I had the two sensors replaced but the problem is just the same. The lights are on all the time now - any thoughts please???? The pics are of the light referred to and also the test results from the garage (sorry they are in Spanish! but the ciode numbers are the same)

    Attached Files:

    Joddle, Aug 23, 2023
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