Front Susp Noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by R. Murphy, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. R. Murphy

    R. Murphy Guest

    Happens on my car - sometimes I get a metallic creak or rattle from front
    suspension when dropping-off speed bumps etc...

    Car is an '02 Astra estate 1.6 8v

    It's in the VX dealership for some minor body repairs, and the noise - which
    started a few days ago - is one of the items I've asked them to have a look
    at while it's in. Nothing to do with the body repairs, which are a
    bumper-thumper at the back which happened while I was parked. No shunting
    into kerbs etc.

    Now - I make no comment about the following, because you never know how
    things can affect other things on a modern car or, indeed, how one noise can
    sound like another.

    The Garage has rung to say that they can find no fault with the front
    suspension HOWEVER "the front pads are 90% worn, and this can sometimes
    cause the noise" that I describe - apparently even though I am not applying
    the brakes at the time, since I tend to do this before reaching the speed
    bump if necessary, not while driving over it ...

    Clearing of throat here...

    the car has done 44k mostly motorway driving. It had its 40k service a few
    weeks ago (yes, I really do knock the miles up that quick)., since which
    (and during the whole of the cars lifetime) I have done mainly motorway
    driving. So I would have thought that since they are not normally due to see
    the car for its next service until 60k (next December) - that some mention
    would have been made at the 40k service?

    Coincidentally, some years ago a VX dealership stated that the front pads on
    my Cavalier were 80 - 90% worn, car was similar mileage and similar use.
    When I checked them myself they didn't look that bad, and I replaced them
    myself at about 65K - on a just-in-case basis. So - I have a bit of
    experience of this kind of diagnosis.

    Now - any thoughts or experience of this? Seriously, I am not trying to be
    sarcastic, just simply understand if this can be the case so that when the
    car is out of warranty and I do my own servicing, I am better informed.

    Remember - metallic creak or rattle from front suspension when dropping-off
    speed bumps etc...
    R. Murphy, Feb 14, 2005
  2. R. Murphy

    Mike Guest

    Have a look to see if the ends have broken off the bottom of the front
    springs. not always noticable at a casual glance, and produces the symptoms
    you describe'

    Mike, Feb 14, 2005
  3. R. Murphy

    mikeFNB Guest

    brakes my foot!
    check the springs are complete at the ends and not worn away or missing.
    next i'd plumb for the shocks.
    it's not unknown for the fronts to need doing at 40-50k.

    mikeFNB, Feb 14, 2005
  4. R. Murphy

    adder1969 Guest

    Oldest trick in the book. Ask them to write their diagnosis down for
    when you pick the car up, then have a look for yourself. I'm
    surprised though that they did't tell you this at the service, whether
    it needed them or not.
    adder1969, Feb 16, 2005
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