engine stalls

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by fluke, May 29, 2006.

  1. fluke

    fluke Guest

    Hi - my friend has a vectra 18 (twin cam) the other day he give me a lift,
    and it started to cut-out on occasions - any ideas?
    once the 'engine man' light came on briefly
    fluke, May 29, 2006
  2. fluke

    mikeFNB Guest

    idle control valve first port of call if your motor has one.
    was this at slow down/pull away?

    mikeFNB, May 29, 2006
  3. fluke

    Mike Dodd Guest

    ....normally you'd see the engine idle speed "hunt" between a couple of
    hundred revs and maybe 1k revs, with occasional stall. But agreed,
    common problem.
    Mike Dodd, May 29, 2006
  4. fluke

    fluke Guest

    yeah it was just as you say here - are these valves repairable or is it a
    new one?? any ideas of a price for a new one

    fluke, Jun 3, 2006
  5. fluke

    mikeFNB Guest

    easy to do with a can of WD40 and a paint brush.
    its just a rotating half cam in an air chamber which is controlled by a
    lets/dont air through.

    simply gets gunked up with oil deposits and wont turn around

    what i do is to fill it with wd40
    put thumb over holes and shake like mad for about 5 mins
    then stick it on an old cb power supply (or something with low current
    output NOT A BATTERY!!!)
    after giving the surfaces a good scrap / brush to get the hardened black
    deposits off.

    its quite a hardy bit so dont be afraid to scrap hard.
    if it dont move still.
    twist a driver infront/behind and work it back and forth from both access
    when it is clean it should rotate very freely with just a light push
    it will be a pig to do the first time but very well worth it.

    it makes the motor pull like new once done.

    there is a guide on the net

    one tip:
    watch the rubber membrane, make sure it either sticks and stays to its
    housing or comes off with the valve.
    else it will split if it sticks to both surfaces, use a blade to easy it off

    however. i doubt this is your only problem by the sounds of your description
    but it is a start.

    let me know

    mikeFNB, Jun 3, 2006
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