Early vectra steering lock

Discussion in 'Vectra' started by Mike, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I'm putting our old 96 vectra 1.7 isuzu back on the road after gathering
    dust in the driveway for about a year. the steering lock dont appear to
    work, and I think the front electric windows dont turn off. anyone know if
    the two are related? the lock barrel doensnt spring out, and the amber
    lights on the window switches stay on.


    (there is other stuff wrong as well, but I'm taking it one thing at at time.
    just hoping that the dreaded metalworm hasnt been at the underside)
    Mike, Apr 10, 2006
  2. Mike

    mikeFNB Guest

    i think you migt be right,
    are you using a remote to try and do this.??

    it might have become unprogged or WHY

    you should have a credit style card with a reset code on it combined with
    door lock key turning or was it ignition key turning to reset the beasty.

    if the battery in the car had been low for a long time this will be the


    mikeFNB, Apr 10, 2006
  3. Mike

    Michael Shaw Guest

    To sort the windows out, press both up buttons and hold for a few seconds
    after fully they have closed.
    Michael Shaw, Apr 12, 2006
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