Display Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Derek White, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    Is it me? Probably, as I'm no expert. I've just taken delivery of a W reg.
    Vauxhall Combo Epic 1.7 van for my work. The LCD display, giving the time,
    date and temperature only seems to work when the lights are on! Obviously,
    I'd like to see the info when I'm not only driving with the lights on. Is
    this something I'm failing to grasp, is it a wiring problem, or is it an
    insurmountable challenge only fit for a top mechanic?
    Any help would be appreciated:)

    Derek White, Oct 20, 2003
  2. Derek White

    mike Guest

    the easiest thing is to just have a scan back on previous msgs in this
    group, it has been covered many many times.
    i am wondering if u have all the dash switches in the right position though.
    if u have a variable dashboardlight dimmer check it is operating correctly.
    it should bright/dim the radio display also.

    mike, Oct 20, 2003
  3. Derek White

    Graham Guest

    I had this problem with my astra, check the dash dimmer light to on
    the right had divers side of the dash just above the drivers glove box
    move the dimmer all the way up towards the wind screen this should
    fix the problem
    Graham, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Derek White

    airsmoothed Guest

    I've just bought an old 2nd hand Omega with exactly the same problem;
    I think you will find the backlight bulbs for the display have blown.
    This is a complete PITA job on the Omega so I'm living with it; maybe
    easier on your vehicle (but I doubt it!)
    airsmoothed, Oct 21, 2003
  5. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    Thanks Mike. The dimmer switch makes no difference. Everything to do with
    the display switches off when I turn the lights off. Thanks anyway.

    Derek White, Oct 22, 2003
  6. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    Thank you my friend. As I said to Mike, the dimmer switch is functioning
    normally, but everything to do with the display switches off when the lights
    are turned off, even though the ignition is on.
    Thanks anyway.

    Derek White, Oct 22, 2003
  7. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    OK, thanks for that. This problem has even got the in-house mechanic at the
    garage I bought the van from confused! I will mention your suggestion to
    him, and see what he thinks.

    Derek White, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Derek White

    mike Guest

    ok derek.
    i'd plumb for it being a voltage feed problem then
    the back lights should not go totally off.
    i admit i dont know about your specific car as such.
    but it needs a light at the back for you to see it.
    either there is a bulb(s) gone (the one(s) that should stay on all the time
    when ignition is on)
    or they r not gettingtheir feed properly (wiring or connector fault)

    mike, Oct 22, 2003
  9. Derek White

    Me2 Guest

    Have you checked all your fuses?
    Try putting ones in the holes that are empty.

    Mike could well be right.
    Me2, Oct 22, 2003
  10. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    Thanks again Mike. I'll definitely check this out and let you know.
    Derek White, Oct 24, 2003
  11. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    OK, thanks, I'll check this out and let you know.
    Derek White, Oct 24, 2003
  12. Derek White

    Derek White Guest

    Thanks again Mike, and everybody who has assisted with this. The upshot was
    that two wires linking the radio/cassette player with the display unit were
    live, and one of them was in the wrong place!
    Don't ask me what its all about! I had to leave it to a competent vehicle

    Derek White, Nov 7, 2003
  13. Derek White

    mike Guest

    glad to help


    mike, Nov 7, 2003
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