Cavalier Trouble

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mike, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    Hello, could some one please give me some advice?

    I have a 1990 cavalier. When I go over a small bump my electric light comes
    on for a split second and I lose power in the engine. When I go over a
    larger bump, the same happens for longer and my stereo turns off.

    Ive checked most electrical connectors in the engine bay and cant find
    anything lose.

    Does anyone have any idea where I should start a more detailed search??

    Many thanks

    mike, Sep 16, 2003
  2. mike

    mike Guest

    More info on the engine, its a 1.6 SV engine with the ECO carb, if that
    helps at all.

    mike, Sep 16, 2003
  3. mike

    Robert Offer Guest

    Worth a check - on some Cavs. the earth strap on the alternator (if not
    modified) is a fairly rigid cable. The alternator is mounted on rubber
    mounts and flexes with load / bumps etc. The next thing that usually
    happens is that all things electrical start behaving unusually - radio turns
    off & electric antenna collapses, various lights come on on the dash etc.
    Fix: - change the earthing strap for a proper battery earthing strap - job
    fixed for the life of the car!
    It happened to me along the A1 in the early hours of the morning, once.
    Hope that helps
    Robert Offer, Sep 16, 2003
  4. mike

    mike Guest

    Thanks Robert. Come to mention it, it might have started after I had to
    change the rubber mount for the
    adjustable alternator support arm, where the earth strap is!!

    Many thanks

    mike, Sep 17, 2003
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