Astra running problems

Discussion in 'Astra' started by john Smith, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. john Smith

    john Smith Guest


    I have a 2000W Astra 1.8CDX with 75k on the clock. I have noticed that when
    the engine is up to temperature
    the car does not seem to be running smoothly. It is only slightly noticeable
    and it is only when doing a
    constant speed or light acceleration. Heavy acceleration seems to be fine.

    I have taken it to my local dealer, who for £30, told me thee was nothing
    wrong with my car as none of the sensors
    were failing. He then suggested drilling a hole in the throttle body casing
    as this is what vauxhall has suggested.

    Another £60 lighter and the problem has not gone away.

    Thanks in advance
    john Smith, Apr 29, 2004
  2. john Smith

    NTL News Guest

    Have the garage checked the compression? If it is low, it may not run
    proporly when the oil is hot (and thinner)

    Does it start well when cold or hot?

    My C reg Fiesta which had done 180k miles had low compression and I had to
    use thicker oil to solve the problem, since sold the car.

    As for drilling holes, I cant see how this will help, surley air will be
    entering the bosy where it should not be.

    NTL News, Apr 30, 2004
  3. john Smith

    john Smith Guest

    It starts OK when both hot or cold.

    They did not drill a hole. They merely made the existing hole bigger
    john Smith, May 1, 2004
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