Astra 2.0 DTL Diesel Filter Change

Discussion in 'Astra' started by Titleist, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    Astra LS 2.0 X20DTL Y2000

    I want to change the fuel filter, but have read dire warnings about
    needing special kit to bleed the system afterwards. Are these warnings
    warranted, or is there a workaround?

    Titleist, Feb 20, 2005
  2. Titleist

    Vaughn Guest

    Did one of these a few weeks ago.

    Had a problem that after changing the filer, which I found very easy, I
    couldn't get the thing started again.

    Had a good look round, and then decided to simply fill the filter housing
    with fuel from a can, then refitted the filter top, and started the engine,
    coughed a couple of times until all fuel was in each injector, but now runs
    perfect. Suggest you try this, but DO NOT try to start the engine until you
    have primed the filter, it may then work OK first time ;-).

    I'm sure if any of the other more instructed readers here read this, then I
    will be told I am not correct, but this is a WORK AROUND, and it did work
    for me, hope you have the same luck ;-)

    All the best Vaughn
    Vaughn, Feb 28, 2005
  3. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    Thanks Vaughn,

    I had already bitten the bullet and changed the filter before your
    reply. I filled the tank and parked on a downslope. Primed the new
    filter as you described, and all was well, barely missed a beat! :)
    Titleist, Mar 1, 2005
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