Alarm on Astra S reg

Discussion in 'Astra' started by Ron O'Neill, May 18, 2005.

  1. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    It's started going off every couple of minutes, the handbook states that if
    there's a fault in the alarm system the hazard warning light switch will
    flash which it does. The handbook states consult main dealer. I suppose
    that's gonna cost a few bob. Any ideas.


    Ron O'Neill, May 18, 2005
  2. Ron O'Neill

    me140 Guest

    If it is just the siren going off and not the indicators flashing it will
    probably be the power sounder that has failed. New one will need
    programming by a dealer and they will need the car security code.
    me140, May 18, 2005
  3. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Everything's going off, indicators etc.


    Ron O'Neill, May 19, 2005
  4. Ron O'Neill

    me140 Guest

    Have a look at the obvious - bonnet switch - boot switch. If all ok you need
    to bite the bullet and go to your local dealer. They will tell you what
    caused the last 9 alarm activations and any fault codes in the memory
    me140, May 19, 2005
  5. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Thanks for that, I have found the sounder by the front O/S wheel and removed
    the connection, this seems to have stopped the fault light for the alarm
    flashing and the flashing indicator lights are not operating either so it
    looks like I've killed the alarm. It will do for now till I can get to a
    dealer, at least I can lock the car and leave it. Thanks.

    Ron O'Neill, May 20, 2005
  6. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    I thought that by removing a wire from a sounder I found that I had killed
    the alarm as the fault light on the hazard warning switch no longer flashed
    after locking the doors. However it went off again a few times today, is
    there a way to pull a fuse or something to dissable the alarm only.


    Ron O'Neill, May 21, 2005
  7. Ron O'Neill

    mikeFNB Guest

    but, turn on the ignition and remove the edge connector from the sounder
    replace the same way.
    make SURE you have the ignition ON (one back from actually starting the car)

    else the thing will go off forever more!

    mikeFNB, May 21, 2005
  8. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Many thanks Mike I'll give it a go if I can find the sounder, there are 2
    what appear to be horn type things down by the front O/S wheel but I've
    removed the wire from both of these (one at a time) and the alarm still
    activates. I'll have to activate the alarm and do a search for the sounder.

    Ron O'Neill, May 23, 2005
  9. Ron O'Neill

    me140 Guest

    The sounder is behind the wheel arch liner on the near side front wheel. It
    is at the back part so you only need to pop the clips out for that bit.
    me140, May 23, 2005
  10. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Many thanks, I've just come back to ask exactly that question, I couldn't
    find it to save me life.

    Ron O'Neill, May 23, 2005
  11. Ron O'Neill

    mikeFNB Guest

    just don't forget to have the ignition on.
    else its lots of wet towels or a very large field and a cardboard box full
    of wet towels.

    had one a couple of years ago where the owner insisted the batteries were
    so after mucho arguement we took it out and gave it to him,
    in a box.
    his wife phomed some 3 hours later to ask how to 'turn it off'

    we told her it had to go back inthe car and that if it was faulty it would
    have died by now.

    back came hubby.
    we refitted it.

    bye bye, hubby

    mikeFNB, May 23, 2005
  12. Ron O'Neill

    Mike Guest

    You've probably moved on from here, but if you open the osr door, reach
    inside and push the locking button on the drivers door that shoul lock the
    car without turning on the alarm.

    Mike, May 23, 2005
  13. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Thanks for that Mike, can't get to look at it yet as regards the wire on the
    alarm sounder, it's done nothing but rain here for the last 2 days. That'll
    do until I can get underneath when the grounds finally dry.

    Ron O'Neill, May 24, 2005
  14. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Thank Mike, I've removed the only electrical connection I can find from the
    sounder unit, a 3 wire plug, is it sorted now ??

    Ron O'Neill, May 24, 2005
  15. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    What the ruddyhecks going on here, I actually removed the sounder from the
    car altogether (with the ignition switched on) It's been on the drive for 4
    hours and the ruddy things just gone off again WITH NO SOUNDER FITTED, this
    cars haunted.

    Ron O'Neill, May 24, 2005
  16. Ron O'Neill

    mikeFNB Guest

    what the sounder is still sounding? or the lights a flashing only...which is
    what you should now get

    ok so that's the major culprit taken out of the circuit,
    ok round to the other sugestions that are all valid and create problems

    firstly door switches, go around each one and pop or unscrew it from the
    frame and have a good look at it
    if you have an ohms meter, check it goes o/c - s/c as it should.
    look for dirt or grime inside or around the switch.

    a good trick i do is to pull the wires off and clip them together with a
    croc or bulldog clip, thus keeping the contacts shorted ...i'e door closed .

    just as an after thought, if you have one of the "i've left my dog in the
    car" buttons to disable the movement sensors (if fitted)
    try that.

    mikeFNB, May 24, 2005
  17. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Thanks Mike, a sounder and the lights are going off, I've removed the
    sounder under the N/S wheel arch from the car, I'm going to contact the
    previous owner and see if there's another alarm fitted.

    Otherr than that it looks like a main dealer job.

    Ron O'Neill, May 25, 2005
  18. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    The mystery deepens. I have found another sounder, it looks like an ordinary
    horn to me but it's making the same sound as it's always made when the alarm
    has gone off. It was located on the top of the O/S scuttle. I reckon the
    proprer sounder has never actually worked since I've had the car as a mate
    reckons the proper sounder is very high pitched and a sound like that has
    never come from the car. I think somebody has fitted an add on to the alarm
    system. I've pulled the wire on the sounder I've found and I'm just waiting
    to see if the lights flash when the alarm activates by itself. The previous
    owner reckons he never touched it or had a problem. I have set the alarm and
    opened the rear door (estate) manually and nothing happened when the light
    came on. I would have thought that would set it off.

    Ron O'Neill, May 25, 2005
  19. Ron O'Neill

    me140 Guest

    If it is an estate it has a thing called " Pane Break". There is a small
    circuit of wire running around the rear side windows - if the window is
    broken the alarm goes off. The drawback is that if either the wire gets
    damaged or the little button connector comes off the alarm thinks that the
    window is broken and sets the alarm off. You need to check the rear window
    wire for damage and look at the connectors..
    me140, May 25, 2005
  20. Ron O'Neill

    Ron O'Neill Guest

    Many thanks Mark.

    Ron O'Neill, May 26, 2005
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