1995 Astra 1.6 16v Ecotec

Discussion in 'Astra' started by James, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. James

    James Guest


    I have a 1995 Astra 1.6 16v Ecotec.

    The baffling problem with my car that seems to elude Vauxhall mechanics and
    a so-called diagnostic garage alike, it's the intermittent problem of
    revving and maintaining 2500 revs. Switching the ignition off and then
    restarting the engine can normally rectify this problem in the short term.

    I put a new idle speed control solenoid on, but old Herbie just keeps
    revving away. After many weeks of this nuisance I decided to put my faith
    and cash in the service of a diagnostic garage. After some time of poring
    over the Internet and the yellow pages I decided upon diagnostic expects
    Peacock & Purvey and delivered the car into their expert hands.

    After two hours of expert diagnostic checks I received a phone call to say
    that the fault had been found and that the mechanic was 99.9% sure of his
    diagnosis. Now this is the part that I know you are all dying to know, the
    problem was the potentiometer (throttle pot) so I paid the bill of £94 and
    had a mechanic that I know, fit the new part for less than half the price
    the garage wanted to charge me. They were somewhat peeved.

    For the first couple of days everything was fine then suddenly and much to
    my horror, up went the revs, quickly followed with a cry "why me, I've paid
    the bills what more does this bucket want?)

    I was not happy that I had paid out £200 and had nothing to show for it, so
    I called the garage and they suggested that I give them a £65 down payment
    and leave the car with them for up to two week, when I would of course have
    another bill for repair and nothing taken off for the money already paid.

    Therefore, if anybody out there knows or thinks they know the mystifying
    reason why my car revs up, then I would be most grateful for their input. It
    should be said, that the engine management light sometimes flashes in the
    morning and no fault code is shown (flashes non-stop) also the car sometime
    thinks that it's a kangaroo (low revs, low speed, throttle off)

    Many thanks


    If you would like to email me, please remove "spam" from the above email
    James, Dec 7, 2003
  2. James


    Had a similar problem with a vectra and the problem with that was
    G©, Dec 7, 2003
  3. James

    mike Guest

    mike, Dec 7, 2003
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